Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Well, this is certainly a Father’s Day to remember.  Since we’re en route to Addis Ababa today, our kids celebrated Eric yesterday morning.  It was lots of giggles and very loud whispering as we “surprised” daddy in bed with gifts and cards (and a subsequent trip to the Donut Store!).  He and I had already been up for hours getting packed for our trip, but he pretended to be asleep just like any great dad should.

Because of his big heart for his kids, Eric spent much of the day here at the Frankfurt airport (9 hour layover!) editing videos of Kate so that we could share them with you all.  Thank you, honey!  Of course, I’m still cropping and perfecting and organizing the photos, but he’s got 4 videos edited and ready for prime time.  The first three are mostly about Kate and our 3 visits with her.  The last is on our trip to Bahir Dar where she was found, and all that we discovered there.  We could not share these publicly until now, so enjoy our sweet girl!  She’s a precious bundle!

Ethiopia Travels - Trip #1

1 Kind Words:

Mandy Hornbuckle said...

Be safe! I'm so excited for you guys!

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