Wednesday, March 23, 2011


{March 17, 2011}

Our hotel offered same-day laundry service at about .30 cents per garment.  Sounded good.  We were in need of some freshness.  We turned in our loads at breakfast with the sheet all filled out.  I asked for assurance we would have the clothes back by that evening as I needed to wear some of them the next day.  Sure!  No problem!  Hmmm.

After we returned from court and had a quiet lunch at our guest house (basically like a B&B, I just refer to it as our hotel), we had a chance to visit the other homes that are part of the guest home we were staying in.  There were 5 locations, all part of the same hotel, all in the same neighborhood.  Knowing we would be back in a few months for Trip #2, I was curious to see the other locations to see if we might like a different room, etc.  So we walked around and visited each one.  At one on the houses, around the side, were a group of women doing laundry, by hand.  Very quaint.  We took pictures. 

Wet, clean laundry hung on criss cross lines in the courtyard by the front door, drying in the warm sun.  More pictures.  Then I looked closer and noticed my jeans hanging there, then I saw Eric’s underwear!  All of our clothes swinging in the wind.  Nice!

As promised, our laundry was in our room upon our return that night, perfectly clean, nicely folded and sun dried, to boot!  Great job, Ethiopia Guest Home!

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