Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Legs 1 and 2

March 13, 2011

Eric and I departed for Africa today.  That’s as in, um, AFRICA!  We had a flight to Chicago with a way-too-long-five hour layover.  I had worked on the flight and gotten all caught up (mostly) which allowed me to focus on the trip at hand.  We leisurely walked around all the terminals and counted Starbucks and learned about Col. O’Hare for which the famous Chicago airport is named!  And I got mocked by the quite-German information desk lady when I asked if there was a place that Eric could get his hair cut at the airport.  She looked at me like it was such a bizarre question and I assured her that it wasn’t really a strange question as they have a salon at DFW and her reply was “do I care?”  Eric about fell on the floor laughing so hard.  Then we saw a kiosk selling lottery tickets and a place giving FLU shots…yes, at the airport.  So I felt vindicated that my question wasn’t so out of place after all!  

The 2nd flight was overnight to Frankfurt.  We were both literally wedged into middle seats of a row that was five seats across.  It was pretty miserable and neither of us got good rest.  Don’t fly coach overseas on United – I’m just sayin’!  The two hour layover in Frankfurt was without issue or excitement.

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