Tuesday, March 29, 2011


{March 22, 2011}

I want to especially thank our friends, Anton & Christie Bucher (she designed this blog, by the way), who pioneered the way for us into international adoption, and to Ethiopia specifically.  You allowed us to walk with you and discover the joys and pitfalls of your own journey to get Quint (and later your daughter from China, Keira Joy).  You gave us courage to do this wild thing.  Thank you for your advice, your love and your sweet friendship.

We head home today and have about 24 hours of travel ahead of us.   We can’t WAIT to see Keira, Carter and Connor and to hear their voices.  It’s been 10 long days.  We’re thankful to my parents who sacrificed most of their Spring Break to care for them and to my brother and his family (and mostly Kayla) who sacrificed all of their Spring Break to take care of them.  Thank you for your support so that we could do this for Kate.

Really, I can’t wait to show pictures and videos of our sweet girl to all of you since we are unable to post her images online for now.  Thanks for all your love and prayers and encouragement.  While I wrote this really as a history for Kate, we trust that the details of our journey will encourage, enlighten, or embolden each of you as you determine how your family will practice “pure and undefiled” religion, which is to “visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”  James 1:27

1 Kind Words:

Christie said...

I'm not sure about our having pioneered :o) but we have certainly enjoyed loving on your family and helping you walk the road in any capacity that we have. It has been quite the journey to our own two and they are our deepest treasure and blessing! God's ways are certainly higher that ours! xo

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